Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Buying Mommy's Helper Contoured Cushie Step Up

I was worried that my petite daughter (just turned 2 a couple days ago, very short and weighs 20 lbs) might not be able to use this but she has no issues with it. I needed something for our toilet since she refused to go on the little potty we bought her. Daycare has miniture 'big' potties which she can easily use with a stool but ours is still too tall for her. She would throw a fit when we would try to lift her up to it "I DO IT!!" so this is exactly what we needed.
The seat is on a hinge almost and when you take it off the toilet it falls back to the step part allowing it to 'fold' flat. When my daughter first used it I made sure to hold the ladder still so it wouldn't scare her (thus her not wanting to use it) if it moved. She turns around on the step and then sits and scoots back on the seat with little effort. While sitting on the seat she can put her hands on top of the handles to brace herself for #2 and yes, even lift up the ladder but she thinks that part is funny and it keeps her on the potty longer (it's always an event that she doesn't like to rush) without being dangerous at all.
Our neighbors have a 2/12 year old and are tired of cleaning out the little potty they have for her all the time so I let them borrow ours for a bit to see if they liked it and she's now ordering one. I've recommended it to several people. We're military living overseas in Germany and it fits the toilets out here just fine, if that helps anyone. Get more detail about Mommy's Helper Contoured Cushie Step Up.

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